home remedies for flu

Cold & Flu – Cause, Symptoms, Remedies

Sooner or later, just about everyone comes down with a miserable cold or dose of flu – and some unfortunate people seem to get infected again and again. Vitamin C is probably the most familiar natural remedy for these viruses, but it’s not the only one.

home remedies for cold and flu

What It Is

Because the common cold and the flu are both respiratory tract infections, determining which you have may be difficult. Generally speaking, a cold comes on gradually, whereas flu strikes suddenly – you can feel fine in the morning and terrible by the afternoon. The classic cold symptoms – congestion, sore throat, and sneezing – are usually less severe than flu symptoms, which often include fever, extreme fatigue, muscle aches, and headaches.
The amount of time needed to recover is different, too. In general, a cold last about a week, but symptoms may trouble you for only three or four days if your immune system is in good shape. On the other hand, you can be sick with the flu for up to 10 days, and fatigue can persist for two to three weeks after that. A cold rarely produces serious complications, but flu can lead to bronchitis or pneumonia.

What Causes It

Both colds and flu are caused by viruses that attach themselves to the lining of the nose or throat and then spread throughout the upper respiratory system and occasionally to the lungs as well. In response, the immune system floods the area with infection­ fighting white blood cells. The symptoms aren’t produced by the viruses but are the result of the body trying to stave off the infection. Colds and flu are more common in winter when indoor heating reduces the humidity in the air; this lack of moisture dries out the nasal passages and creates the perfect breeding ground for viruses.


  1. Head and chest congestion.
  2. Sneezing and cough.
  3. Sore throat.
  4. Watery nasal discharge.
  5. Muscle aches.
  6. Fever and chills
  7. Headache.
  8. Fatigue.

How Supplements Can Help

The supplements listed in the Chart assist your body in combating cold and flu viruses, rather than suppressing symptoms. For this reason, you may not feel better immediately after taking them. but you’ll probably recover faster. In some cases, prompt treatment may prevent a cold or flu from fully developing. Start the supplements when symptoms first appear and, unless other­ wise noted, continue until the Illness passes.
At high doses, vitamin a has strong antiviral action, but take it for only seven days in these amounts Contrary to popular belief, vitamin C won’t prevent a cold, but it may shorten the duration or minimize the symptoms. The herbs echinacea with giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) stimulates the immune system. Zinc lozenges may also help halt a cold, possibly by destroying the virus itself.
If you often develop a bacterial infection, such as sinusitis or bronchitis, from a cold or flu, add garlic when you first notice symptoms. It contains compounds that may prevent bacteria from invading tissues. To give the immune system an extra boost, combine neem with garlic for the treatment (but not prevention) of colds and flu.


Supplements Recommendations

What Else You Can Do

  1. Use a humidifier or vaporizer in winter to keep indoor air moist.
  2. Instead of having a flu shot, try taking the suggested supplements in the autumn. It takes six to eight weeks to build up immunity and different flu strains emerge each year, so you’ll need to supplement annually.

Ref: Reader’s Digest- the-healing-power-of-vitamins-minerals