Arthritis Pain & Solution

Probably the most common age-related disease, osteoarthritis affects the joints of over a million older people in India. Supplements may greatly relieve the pain and stiffness of this disorder and slow down the cartilage degeneration that causes it.


Arthritis facts

What it is 

your Joints gradually lose their cartilage – the smooth. gel-like. shock-absorbing material that prevents adjacent bones from touching. The fingers knees, hip, neck, and spine are most commonly affected as cartilage loss continues, the friction of bone rubbing against bone can cause pain and Joint instability.

What causes Osteoarthritis

may be the result of decades of Joint wear and tear, although genetic factors, excess weight, and impairments in the body’s ability to repair cartilage may also play a role. Some cases are linked to a specific cause. such as a previous injury to a joint: the overuse of a joint occupationally or athletically or a congenital defect in joint structure.

How supplements can help

There is no surefire cure for osteoarthritis, but glucosamine, a cartilage-building sugar compound, helps relieve arthritis pain. It appears to slow joint damage over time, though whether it can reverse the disease is unknown. To enhance its effectiveness. try taking it along with one of the other supplements listed in the chart. Allow at least a month to judge results; then, if necessary, substitute another supplement to use with glucosamine to see if it works better for you. These supplements can be used long-term and with conventional pain relievers such as aspirin and paracetamol. Several large studies are assessing glucosamine’s impact when combined with another cartilage-building compound chondroitin.

     Niacinamide, especially to relieve knee pain; Boswellia, a tree resin that may inhibit inflammation and build cartilage; and sea cucumber, a Chinese remedy that may reduce pain stiffness through unknown mechanisms, and increased grip strength. SAM (S-adenosylmethionine), a form of the amino acid methionine has anti-inflammatory effects Similar to those ibuprofens has been shown to rebuild cartilage which contains the amino acids glycine and proline and other joint-building nutrients, may also be worth trying, but little is known about its effectiveness.